Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The new era of Star Trek is out. When I was a kid, it was considered 'uncool' to watch Star Trek or any sci-fi show. Screw that. The new Star Trek movie rocks! and yes, the actors are cute too!!! Zachery Quinto looks gorgeous there, James T. Kirk never was cuter and Chekov never sounded funnier. The physical resemblence between Zachery Quinto and the young Leonard Nimoy is really uncanny, although I must say Vulcan's have never been so good looking :)

I still can't take John Cho seriously. To me he'll always be Harold, but they couldn't have picked a better person to play Sulu. Karl Urban is still the witty character on the TV series Lost. Charming in his own way and perfect for Dr. McCoy.

Actors aside, what did I like about the movie? The fact that they didn't butcher the original story. There was action, there was the British variety humour, there was the character chemistry and there was romance. Well, sort of. Negligible. But Star Trek was never about the romance. If I was ever on the border about being a fan, this definately tipped me over. Having said that, I'm not in any rush to start dressing up as Uhura and attending Star Trek conventions!

Found this video on YouTube that makes fun of Trekkies. Brilliant if you asked me. Star Trek doesn't belong to you lamers anymore!